Listen to the Voice of God, No The Voice of Doubt!

Listen to the Voice of God, Not the Voices of Doubt “It was by faith that Noah heard God’s warnings about things he could not yet see.” Hebrews 11:7 (NCV) Voices of doubt will try to dissuade, detour, and derail you from you purpose in life. But you must listen to the voice of God, not the voices of doubt. Imagine Noah’s life—building a battleship-sized ark in his front yard while everyone else carried on with their lives. His neighbors must have thought he was crazy. “What’s this guy doing? Building the Queen Mary in his yard? Where’s the homeowner’s association?” Even Noah’s family probably questioned him. His sons might have said, “Dad, the ark is embarrassing. Why can’t you get a normal job? Everyone’s laughing at us!” Could you endure that kind of ridicule? Noah did, for decades, with no encouragement. But he listened to God, not the doubters. Dream busters will always show up in your life. Critics, cynics, and even loved ones may question your God-given vision. ...