Seeing Yeshua approaching, John the Baptist declared, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”
— John 1:29

When John the Baptist referred to Jesus as the Lamb of God, he was pointing back to the first Passover when the children of Israel were delivered out of Egypt through the blood of a lamb. Through divine revelation, John understood that Yeshua would become the final and ultimate sacrificial Lamb for all mankind. 

Yeshua’s last supper with His disciples before going to the cross was a Passover meal, where He foretold that He would die for us, ushering in a new covenant in His blood. It was no coincidence that Yeshua was crucified on Passover. God preordained this to declare to the world that Yeshua’s sacred blood fulfilled the ancient Passover miracle.

But consider this: it was not enough for the ancient Israelites to simply collect the lambs’ blood in basins. They had to personally apply it to the doorposts of their homes. Likewise, it is not enough just to know Messiah shed His blood and died for our sins. We must personally receive Him into our hearts and follow Him so that His blood will be applied to our individual lives. 

Beloved one, although Yeshua died two thousand years ago, His blood is yet alive, bringing salvation and deliverance to all who commit their lives to Him. When we are fully committed to Him, His blood covers our lives.


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