Walk in the Light!


Walk in the Light

But if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.
— 1 John 1:7

To walk in the Light is to constantly reach out to Jesus. As we follow Yeshua, the Light of the world, we will be cleansed of our sin through His blood, the living Word, and the Spirit. As a result, we will find ourselves being brought into deeper and deeper communion with God. 

It’s the concept of similarity and dissimilarity at work. Consider, for example, an elephant and a mouse. They have nothing in common. They are dissimilar and have no relational connection. But an elephant and another elephant can be in relationship because they’re alike. In fact, elephant mothers train their young to survive. Similarly, as we reach out to Jesus and He cleanses us of sin, we are being transformed into His image and actually become His friends. Yeshua said, “No longer do I call you slaves…but I have called you friends.” The more we become like Jesus, the closer we will feel to Him and the more satisfying our relationship with God will be. It is not enough just to know God in heaven; we must also know Him from within. As we are transformed into His likeness, we experience unity with the One who is the treasure of life and the fountain of many waters. 


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