LET HIM IN

True worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth.
— John 4:23

How do we worship God in spirit and truth? It starts by being authentic. We have to be real. Many people get caught in a religious trap and only say prayers they learned from others. Although some memorized prayers can be powerful, to enter into deep waters in God, we need to bare our souls to the Lord. Father God wants us to confide in Him, sharing our deepest fears and desires. 

We need to open our hearts to the Father because He can only come in to the degree we let Him. If our conversations with Him are limited to recited prayers, we are not disclosing who we really are, and He cannot dwell with us in a deep way. God already knows everything about us, so there is nothing to hide. Again, He can only come as far as we let Him. 

This is a mystery in our relationship with God. Although the Father knows everything and is everywhere, He only dwells where He has an invitation. He is a gentleman. He can intrude anytime He wants, and He does do that at times. But that is not the kind of relationship the Lord wants. He is not looking for robots. He is looking for those who desire Him.All creation is upheld by Messiah’s power. But the only way we can be one with Him is if we choose to open our hearts and invite Him in.


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