Ride the Wave of the Holy Spirit!


Ride the Wave of the Holy Spirit

Scripture: Galatians 6:8

“…the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” (Galatians 6:8)

As we practice the principles of KingdomNomics, we discover and experience the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to live the Christian life. We soak our heart in the Word of God and learn how to sow to the Spirit so he can impart his life to us.

One of the major ways we sow to the Spirit is to pray to the Lord verses of Scripture we have memorized and meditated on. As we allow our heart to delight in the precious morsels we glean from the Word, the power of the Spirit cleanses and empowers us for our daily tasks.

We flow with the Spirit on the avenues of life as he navigates our way through the day’s activity.

Think about the surfer who looks for the next great wave to ride. The rider focuses all attention on the movement of the waters to determine when, where, and how to jump on the board to catch the best wave.

Look for where the Spirit is moving, and take the steps you need to join those who are moving with him. Ride the wave of the Spirit and flow with him!

Today, ask yourself:

Am I looking to see how the Spirit is moving where I am living? What steps am I taking to join those who are moving with the Spirit of God?


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