Overthrow the Dictator!

For if you live by its dictates, you will die. But if through the power of the Spirit you put to death the deeds of your sinful nature, you will live. Romans 8:13 Overthrow the Dictator Today’s Scripture tells us the flesh, our carnal nature, wants to be our dictator. The flesh wants to control your life. A dictator tells you what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. You just follow their orders. When you’re stuck in traffic, your flesh orders, “Get upset,” and you respond, “Yes, sir. Will do.” The flesh tells you, “Your life is going nowhere. Go ahead and be depressed.” “Yes, sir.” Your spouse gets upset with you about something trivial, and the flesh says, “Be offended. Let her have it.” It’s time to dethrone the dictator from telling you how to feel and what to do, leading you down the wrong path. Let me warn you that it won’t give up easily. When you don’t give it what it wants, it will fight you. You have to be determined, put your foot down, and say, “You can’t rule my l...