The Loaf of Time!


                 The Loaf of Time

I think of daily time like daily bread. Each one of us has a “loaf” of time, if you will. Each day consumes one slice, and the loaf becomes smaller as time passes. We eventually realize this, to our dismay, and it becomes so very important to use our given time wisely—to make our lives count for something meaningful. That’s what Kingdom of God is all about: knowing and experiencing the benefits of joyfully trading earthly, temporary gratification for something that will last forever.

The movie Gladiator opens with a scene in which the Roman General Maximus is getting his troops excited before they go into battle against barbarians in Germany. He rides his horse back and forth at the head of the line, and he shouts so that all his troops can hear him, “What we do in life echoes in eternity!” This statement is true on every battlefield, whether in a deep forest with the Roman army or in the ordinary decisions you make in the course of each day. What happens here has eternal repercussions.

There are so many implications to what that means for you and me. However, for now, let’s focus on the fact that when we realize the truth of these things, we know we must choose where we invest ourselves. Every day is filled with choices. And it’s not just about the decisions you make, but why you make them.

As a result, we must live each day asking ourselves, “What if today were my last day? How would I want to spend it? What would my kingdom investment portfolio look like?” We can’t afford to take our eyes off the Lord and his Word. And we can’t afford to delay in acting upon our convictions.

What does your kingdom investment portfolio look like?


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