Making a Difference for All Eternity!


Making a Difference for All Eternity

What would you be willing to sacrifice for a season, so you could enjoy something far greater, forever?

Jesus talks about a man who finds a treasure buried in a field. This man goes out and sells everything he has in order to raise funds to buy that field. He believes he has nothing that isn’t expendable toward gaining the precious treasure he has glimpsed. (See Matthew 13:44.)

That’s how it is for the Kingdom Investor. He has caught a glimpse of a treasure nothing on earth can match—an eternal treasure. All that he has must be invested toward that treasure.

When God is glorified, that’s when the Kingdom Investor is energized.

Jesus also told stories about masters who gave their servants sums to invest. The workers were held accountable not for using their resources and not for preserving them, but for multiplying them. (See Matthew 25 and Luke 19.)

The master, of course, is Christ. And why does he take time to give us sums to invest? His work is the work we were made to do! Christ wants us know the unique thrill of bearing fruit in his name; taking what he has given us, and giving it back in multiplied amounts.

Kingdom Investors are motivated by the rewards that the Bible promises. The New Testament often speaks of rewards given to believers in heaven, based upon the right kind of behavior in this life. Jesus often said that hypocrites and those with empty religion have already received their rewards. It is constantly taught that those who obey Christ can look forward to wonderful things in eternity.

Those who obey Christ can look forward to wonderful things in eternity.

That’s the adventure of this life. Kingdom Investors see it as a matter of sowing and reaping, which is a simple principle that is true in every aspect of life in this world:

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. (2 Corinthians 9:6–8)

Resources are the tools God has given us to get us involved in the great story of what he is doing. Purposed for this world alone, time is simply a commodity, talent is often used for personal recognition, and money is mere paper or fine metal. But when invested for God’s purposes, it can be so much more—it can be a touchstone to the eternal world.

What difference are you making for Christ’s kingdom with what he has entrusted to you?



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