The Power to Change Belongs to God!


The Power to Change Belongs to God

Scripture: Job 26:8-14

How awesome is our God!

In Job 26:8-14 we are told, among other things, that he hangs the earth on nothing, and that he  stirs up the sea with his power, and by his Spirit he adorned the heavens.

The power and scope of his workings are beyond human comprehension. Even with the revelation of these truths we are told that, “Indeed these are the mere edges of his ways.” We have so much more to see, understand, and experience in our relationship with God.

This is why Paul said he can do more than what we can ask, think, or imagine by his incredible and immeasurable power that is at work on the inside of us and in our circumstances.

Today, ask yourself:

Does my view of God take into account the unlimited attributes of his capacities? Do I believe he can accomplish anything he desires to do in the heart of a willing Christian who trusts in him?

Ask God to help you to see him for who he really is: Almighty God!


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