“I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”
— John 10:10
That promise really impacted me when I was young in my faith. I believed Jesus was going to raise me up to a place of victory in the Spirit, where I would have complete peace and freedom in Him. But when I looked at other followers of Yeshua, I did not see the victory I desired. They did not seem to be free or living victoriously. We all go through challenges, but many believers appeared to be beaten down and walking in defeat.
I asked the Lord why so many of His people weren’t living an abundant life in Him, and after waiting on Him several days, I clearly sensed the Holy Spirit say, “You are seeing what you are seeing because My people are not trusting Me.” As He spoke, the words “trusting Me” burst with new meaning. By “trusting,” the Lord meant “clinging.”
Beloved one, we must cling to God if we are to have supernatural power to overcome the devil and experience freedom and victory. We can’t depend on ourselves; we must fully look to God to lead us, establish us in the Word, and ground us in His Spirit. By clinging to God through difficult times, we are strengthened from within. Eventually, God’s Spirit within us will break forth. As we learn to live from the inside out rather than from the outside in, Christ within us will emerge and make us whole
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