Our Battle Is the Spirit’s Battle!


Our Battle Is the Spirit’s Battle

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 20:15

This is what the Lord says: Do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” (2 Chronicles 20:15)

When we allow the Holy Spirit to take control of how we think, feel, and act, the battles we face become the Lord’s responsibility as we trust in him. The odds may seem to be insurmountable at times, but the One who laid the foundation of the earth and created the heavens is certainly able to overcome any possible problems we have.

Our vision of God is often way too small. He is always able to remove the mountains and obstacles in our lives.

In 2 Chronicles 20, the people listened to the Jahaziel, positioned themselves as instructed, and trusted in the Lord, praising him as they went forth into battle. By the time they met the enemy, the armies of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir had not only destroyed the enemy, they also turned on one another and destroyed each other.

It is the Spirit who gives life. In KingdomNomics we soak our heart in the Word of God to find out what the Spirit desires for us. We then recite our verses to the King, sowing to the Spirit who then empowers us and flows through us. Son Power is of God, and it enables to overcome the enemies of our soul as we flow into our everyday life under the control of the Spirit.

God is able to tear down the strongholds of those things that exalt themselves against him. He is the One who melts away the enemy by his Spirit working in our life.

Talk to God

Lord, I ask you to fill my life with your presence in order to release your power to overcome all of the thoughts, emotions, and obstacles that may arise against your will in my heart. Amen.


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