Join the Adventure!


Join the Adventure!

Scripture: Galatians 2:20

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20)

God has made provision for Christ to live his life in us as we allow him to overcome the desires of our flesh and overcome the lures of the world.

Have you ever asked yourself why he has done this?

God has made this provision so Christ can be formed in us. He wants to continue his ministry in this world through each person who has come to know him personally. This is the greatest adventure a person can experience.

Why not join the thousands who have visited this website from 60 countries of the world, and the many who have received Jesus Christ and other materials available? Our personal goal in life is the compelling desire to join the adventure, so Christ can be formed in us.

Christ can live his life through us to the extent God performs his Word in and through us as we are empowered by the Holy Spirit. Ask him to make his Word personally operative in your life every day.

This is why theKingdom of Godthinker relishes practicing the principles of Soak, Sow, and Flow described in the book, Kingdom of God. Ask him to deliver you from anything holding you from bringing your life into conformance with his will in thought, purpose, and action.

Christ living in us allows us to live a life that truly will echo into eternity. How exciting!

Today, ask yourself:

Am I making it my life’s priority to have the Word of God be operative in my life, so Christ can be formed in me? If not, then why not?


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