Focus on God’s Word!
Focus on God’s Word
Scripture: Psalm 19:7–8
“The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The commandments of the Lord are right, bringing joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are clear, giving insight for living.”(Psalm 19:7–8)
Focusing on what the Spirit desires is critical to having Son Power work in and through us. Such focus leads to a progressive transformation of the soul to be more Christlike in attitude, desire, and behavior.
It is through the promises of God that we are able to tap into his divine plans and purposes. His Word gives us the wisdom we need to make right choices.
Meditating on the promises of God revives our soul, makes us wise, brings joy to our heart, and gives us insight. It is through His Word that we learn that we are living in a perishing world and that we have the opportunity to convert the world’s perishable items of time, talent, and treasure into imperishable values of the kingdom to come.
The kingdom to come is the real world that will last forever. The earth and heavens as we know them will eventually pass away.
It is time for us to “get in tune” with God’s desires. Each of us has a role to play in helping to save the lost people of this world.
Are you immersed in God’s Word?
Is it reviving your soul, making you wise, bringing joy to your heart, and giving you insight?
Talk to God
Father, speak to me through your Word. Help me to prioritize my time, talents, and treasure. Bring my life into conformance with your will and allow me to be renewed inwardly on a daily basis. Amen.
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