But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
—Matthew 6:33, emphasis added
The meaning of this verse seems clear: if we seek the Lord first, He is going to bring other good things into our lives. But what does it mean to seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness?
When we hear the word righteousness, we often think about being a moral, trustworthy, and just person. This is a correct way to understand the term, but there is more to it. Being righteous is most fundamentally a matter of being rightly aligned with God. It is to live in harmony with Him, have our hearts reflect His heart, and think as He thinks.
When we get closer to Him by becoming more like Him, we experience His presence and fellowship in a more intimate and satisfying way. We begin to drink of His Spirit, and the deepest desires of our hearts slowly are fulfilled as we discover how close Yeshua is to us, who He is to us, and who we are to Him. As we seek Him first simply because we want to know Him, love Him, and please Him, He responds by adding so many other blessings to our lives.
The things that He adds to our lives are not the goal; they’re the icing on the cake. He Himself is our reward. As the Lord said to Abraham, so He says to us today, “I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.”