LISTEN TO THE SPIRIT

For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.
—Romans 8:14

It took me a long time to start minding the checks from Father. The Holy Spirit would be giving me a subtle witness in my spirit, telling me, “No, don’t do that.” But I wouldn’t pay attention. I would just do it anyway. Eventually I realized this was hurting me and, more importantly, hurting Father. And slowly over time, I learned to pay attention to those subtle checks of the Holy Spirit.

Perhaps you’re the same way. Maybe God is checking you about certain things in your life—a relationship, your words, your diet, your attitude, or a financial decision—but you’re not paying attention, so you keep finding yourself surrounded by chaos. Being led by God’s Spirit is a matter of learning to heed the checks of the Holy Spirit and discern when the peace of God is nudging you to go forward.

Beloved one, the Holy Spirit is a real person you can experience right here and now. And He is speaking to you and bearing witness with your heart. If you will make it your ambition to stop walking in your own self-will and open your ears to Him, you will learn to walk by the Spirit. Father desires to be involved in all the decisions you make. If you desire to live under the direction of the Lord, listen like never before to the gentle voice of the Spirit and consider Him in everything you do


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