THE SOURCE OF GREATNESS Your right hand upholds me; and Your gentleness makes me great. David is one of the most beloved personalities in Scripture. One reason many people are drawn to him is that David is so relatable. This legendary king of Israel had strengths and weaknesses, just as we do. As most of us know, David committed adultery with Bathsheba, even putting her husband on the front line to be killed in battle so he could take his wife. David’s choices reveal some real flaws that indicate he was an imperfect human being. David fell at times in his walk with the Lord, just as we sometimes do. Yet he knew it was God who held him up. He realized his greatness came from the Lord’s gentleness toward him. I love the imagery of John 13:23, when John was leaning on Jesus’ bosom. I think of how safe and secure John must have felt in Yeshua’s gentle love. Even when David fell, Father never forsook him. David was disciplined and suffered for his sin, but God’s lovingkindness toward him was constant. It was Father God’s gentleness and faithfulness toward David that made him so special, not David’s own goodness or ingenuity, and the same is true of us. When we fall, we “will not be hurled headlong, because the Lord is the One who holds [our] hand.” Beloved one, God loves us despite our faults and failings, and when we repent, He will restore us. His gentleness makes us great. |