KEEP YOUR HEART FIXED ON YESHUA

This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him.
—1 John 5:14–15

Sometimes people think if they believe, they can have anything they want—the fancy car, the big house, the grand trips and nice clothes. Even if they don’t intend to, they see Jesus as a magic genie and view their relationship with Him as a means to achieve your dream.

But the Bible says God grants us everything we ask for that’s according to His will. Yes, He wants us to be happy, but He wants us to be happy from being made whole in Yeshua. When Messiah walked the earth, He had inner contentment and was completely at peace. It wasn’t because He had the biggest house, ate the finest food, or rode the best donkey. This wholeness was something that He possessed inside Himself because the kingdom of God is within.

Beloved one, I want to encourage you to ask Father God to draw you into a relationship with Him that will bring you into contentment, peace, and wholeness. Ask Father to help you keep your heart fixed on Yeshua. You don’t have to scream for it. If you just pray with simple, childlike faith, seeking the giver and not the gift, you can have confidence He will answer that prayer


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