DON’T BE RULED BY YOUR EMOTIONS

Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
—Matthew 4:1

How we feel is kind of like the weather—we can’t control it. To be strong in the Lord, we have to learn to operate in the Spirit, in the Word, and in faith, regardless of how we’re feeling.

Until we learn to operate by our will rather than being controlled by our emotions and circumstances, we’ll never become mature sons and daughters of God. In fact, the Lord will bring us into challenging circumstances that force us to rise above our emotions just to train us.

After Yeshua was baptized in the Jordan River, the Spirit of God immediately led Him into the wilderness, where He was assaulted by the devil for forty days. Jesus felt tired, hungry, and weak. But He rose above how He felt and resisted every temptation. As a result of this, He came out of the wilderness in the power the Ruach HaKodesh.

I want to encourage you today to be strong. Rise up and be a warrior. Practice exercising your will and trusting God and His Word, even when you’re facing challenging circumstances and difficult emotions. Let’s practice His presence at all times. When we do this during times of testing, we’ll be made strong. Like Yeshua, we must resist the forces of darkness in order to be fortified. And when you and I get strong, beloved one, we’ll be happy.


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