Everyone Matters!

Everyone Matters

“And the eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; or again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.””
—1 Corinthians 12:21

Years ago God gave me a dream in which I mistreated someone who had a physical challenge. When I wasn’t sensitive to this person, the Holy Spirit withdrew His presence from my life. That dream has stuck with me for all these years because the Lord used it to show me how important it is that we be sensitive to everyone, especially those the world has cast down.

You see, in the natural world, the high and mighty give their attention to others who have status, money, fame, or authority. But often they don’t pay attention to people they consider to be lower than they are—those who haven’t advanced as far in their careers, reached a certain financial status, or achieved a particular level of education. This is often how the world works, but in the kingdom of God, we need to be sensitive to everybody. That is not only because God loves us all the same; it’s also because each one of us has incredible value, and we need each other.

We’re dependent on one another. People might look at me and think being in full-time ministry or on television makes me a big deal. But the truth is, there’s no way that I could do what I’m doing without all the people who are playing their huge part to make it possible. It begins with my wife, . If she was not a nurturing wife to me, ministering to me with just her presence in my life, there’s no way I would be where I am in my life today. Yet for many years she was behind the scenes.

I am often the one standing on the platform. But it’s possible that when she and I stand before our Creator, she might have a greater reward than I do. Beloved, we need to recognize that everybody is doing their part. There are people in your life you might need to be more sensitive to, people you might need to show more appreciation to. Let’s not overlook anybody or take anyone for granted, because everybody is of supreme importance in the kingdom of God.

Father God, help me to see others the way You see them and value them the way You do. I want to recognize the part each person plays in Your kingdom. Make me mindful of the need to always be sensitive to others and appreciate them for who they are


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