The World Is Passing Away!


The World Is Passing Away

The world is passing away with all its desires, but the person who does the will of God remainsforever. (1 John 2:17)

This verse reminds us that the world we live in is passing away, but the person who does the will of God will live forever. These words hit me like a bullet between the eyes. In my own life, many of things I considered important over the years are now gone! The company I worked for is now gone. Boards of companies I served on are now gone. Some of my friends are now gone. 

Our bodies are temporary. Let’s face it: we are only leasing them, having to turn them in at the end of the lease term. The Bible has many references regarding the brevity of life. Psalm 144:4 tells us, “[People] are like a breath; their days are like a fleeting shadow.” Our life is like a breath that passes by and does not return. That is really brief!

However, all of us who have accepted Christ into our life now have a relationship with a heavenly father. And we are going to spend all of eternity with that heavenly Father. We can honestly say, “I am going to live forever!” Because of this we have a forever focus guides our everyday life.

The earthly world as we know it is passing away, but whatever we do with an eye for eternity will last forever. We want God to fulfill his purpose in us before we are taken home to heaven.

Today, ask yourself:What am I currently pursuing that will last into eternity?


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