Sin Power Is Sourced in God !


Son Power Is Sourced in God

For I know that through your prayers and God’s provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.(Philippians 1:19)

We experience Son Power through the provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ and it provides the way for our deliverance, both in this world and the world to come. 

In Kingdom of God  we learn through Scripture, and we practice keeping Jesus Christ as the focus of our life. We realize that everything is sourced in him. His Spirit supplies the peace, love, patience, and kindness we need. He also has the power to make all things turn out for our good. He is the God of provision and of all power.

We learn to communicate with God through prayer, which simply means talking with him. We learn to acknowledge that all things are sourced in him. We admit that without his provision, we can do nothing. 

As we experience Son Power, we have a growing sense of expectation that God is at work. God is always working, often silently, and often beyond our human understanding. We trust that he isworking, and that sometimes, he will allow us to see his work in our circumstances.

Focus on God’s power, provision, and work in your life. As you move into your day, know he is at work. Expect to see a glimpse of him working out his ultimate plan for you in this world.

Today, ask yourself:

In what ways am I sensitive to God’s work in and through me?


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