Keep Moving!


Keep Moving!

The Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward.” (Exodus14:15)

A paper weight on my desk has the inscription, “Don’t wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it!” In practicing Kingdom of God, we aggressively look for ways to invest our talents for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

People often make the mistake of waiting for their ship to come in, hoping for something to come their way. Good intentions alone are not enough to accomplish any worthwhile objective. We often need to take a step in the direction of our goals. Perhaps the Lord is saying, “Stop waiting for your ship; start swimming!”

Someone once said it is a lot easier to steer a moving car than one that is standing still. As we participate in worthwhile kingdom efforts, we can more easily see how the Lord is guiding us to the places where we can be the most productive when we are actively engaged in the process. We need to be alert to areas in which the Holy Spirit is moving and blessing the efforts being made on his behalf. Then we have to “swim” out to those places and join the forward movement with the rest of the team.

Keep moving forward and let God direct where you are going.

Today, ask yourself:

Where do I see the Holy Spirit directing me to use my time, talent, and treasure?


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