Bold Prayer!


There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the LORD listened to a human being.
Joshua 10:14
Bold Prayers
In Joshua 10, Joshua was winning a battle against five armies, but darkness was coming and the enemy would escape, so he prayed a bold prayer. He asked God to stop the sun in place. In the natural, there’s no possibility of this, but God created the solar system. He spoke the universe into existence. He can stop what He wants to stop and still cause it to work. The next verse simply says, “So the sun and the moon stood still until the Israelites defeated their enemies.” No big explanation for this amazing occurrence. God is not intimidated by bold prayers, and He’s not at a loss to figure out how to bring about His purpose. Stopping the sun was no big deal.

Are you praying bold prayers? Maybe not for the sun to stop, but how about for your child to do something awesome, for you to set a new standard for your family, for you to accomplish that dream that seems far out? God put the desire in you. Perhaps He’s just waiting for you to ask.
A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You for giving me every reason to believe You for above and beyond the natural. Thank You that nothing and no one is more powerful than You, and I can believe You for the extraordinary. I believe that You are going to show out in my life as You did with Joshua. In Jesus’ Name, Amen


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