What Are You Seeing!


We remember the fish we ate in Egypt at no cost—also the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. But now we have lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna!”
Numbers 11:5–6, NIV
What Are You Seeing?
When God brought the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, He led them on a journey through the wilderness to the Promised Land. There were no stores or water towers, yet God provided them with manna to eat every morning and all they needed. They saw the hand of God daily, but all they focused on was what they didn’t have. Even God’s miraculous provision of manna seemed common, and what they had eaten as abused slaves seemed far better. God was in their presence, but they were ungrateful and ended up not going into the Promised Land.

The key to the journey we’re on is what we’re seeing. If you focus on the negative—what’s lacking, how long it’s taking, what you don’t like—you won’t find joy in the journey, and doubt will come. You’ll start complaining and miss God’s best. You’ll miss that all along the way, God is sustaining you, protecting you, providing for you, ordering your steps. You have to recognize His goodness. You have to take time every day to thank Him for what He’s doing.
A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You for the journey that You are leading me on. Thank You for all that You are doing, how You’re sustaining me and providing for me and making my crooked paths straight. I believe that You are ordering my steps and will bring me to where You want me to be. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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