Living a Powerful - Driven Life!


Living a Power-Driven Life

Therefore, if you have been raised with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Keep thinking about things above, not things on the earth, for you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. (Colossians 3:1–3)

If you are seriously putting into practice the principles of Kingdom of God , you are living a power-driven life.  The Holy Spirit is working in your life to bring you into conformity with God’s will in order to accomplish his purposes in this world. You are seeking things above. Your life is increasingly hidden in Christ as you strategically invest your time, talent, and treasure into advancing the kingdom of God. This is how Son Power works.

As our lives are hidden in Christ, the Holy Spirit manifests itself more and more. We desire to do the will of God. Our passions and desires are conformed to God’s passions and desires. We are transformed from being “getters” to becoming “givers” who are willing to exchange the perishable things of this world for the imperishable values of the real world to come.

Increasingly, the fruit of the Spirit manifests itself in our lives. We are empowered to become low-profile, high-impact players helping to fulfill the Great Commission. The Holy Spirit fills every aspect of our life allowing us to be Holy Spirit power driven. This power is unlike anything the world has to offer!

Today, ask yourself:In what is my life being powered by the Holy Spirit?


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