Delete the Old Story!


For she kept saying to herself, If I only touch His garment, I shall be restored to health.
Matthew 9:21
Delete the Old Story
In Mark 5, a lady had been sick for twelve years, spent all her money going to many doctors, but nothing helped. Her story was: “This sickness is permanent. There’s nothing else I can do.” But then she heard that Jesus was passing through her town. Despite how she felt, despite the circumstances and all she’d been told, she deleted her old story and started telling herself a new story. She said, “When I touch His garments, I’m going to be healed.” Faith began to rise in her heart. She kept saying to herself, “Healing is coming.” Pressing through the crowd, she touched His robe and was healed instantly.

It’s easy to let defeated thoughts, “can’t do it” thoughts, “it’s never going to work out” thoughts, play in your mind. You have to say, “No, I’m deleting this story. I will be the exception. I will get well. I will see my family restored. I will break this addiction. I will accomplish my dream.” Give God something to work with. You can’t have an old story and see the new things He wants to do.
A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You that I have the power to delete the thoughts that keep me trapped in an old story of defeat. Thank You that my faith can open the way for You to do amazing things and write a new story. I am reaching out and touching You by faith today, knowing that victory will be mine. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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