A Word of Encouragement!


“Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them.”
Isaiah 3:10
A Word of Encouragement
Everyone in your life is fighting a battle. They’re dealing with something. They may not show it, but there’s a load they’re carrying. Thoughts are telling them that it’s not going to work out. It is always good to pray for others, but today’s Scripture also says, “Say to the righteous that it’s going to work out. Everything’s going to be okay.” Just give a word of encouragement when they’re under a heavy load. Just let them know that you care, remind them that God is still on the throne. You don’t have to have all the answers to their problems. It’s easy to feel intimidated because sometimes the situation is so complicated. Different people may be involved from very different backgrounds, and you’re not sure what to tell them about what they are going through. But you don’t have to solve the problem; that’s God’s job. Your part is to just nourish their soul and say, “I care about you. I’m standing with you. You’re going to make it.” Those kind words are what put people back on their feet.
A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You for Your hand of blessing in my life. I ask You to work through me and help me to speak kind words, offer compliments, give encouragement, and lift up those around me. Help me to listen and to bring Your healing presence into others’ lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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