Received God’s Favor!


Receive God’s Favor

Listen to my instructionso that you may be wise, and do not neglect it.Blessed is the onewho listens to me, watchingat my doors day by day, waiting beside my doorway. For the one who finds me has foundlife and received favor from the Lord. (Proverbs 8:33–35)

What does it mean to you to experience life and receive favor? The world around you is looking for life in all the wrong places. In this incredible passage of Scripture, we learn what it means to find life from God’s perspective, and how to experience the promise of receiving favor from God.

In order to receive God’s favor, we need to have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We are declared righteous when we trust in Jesus alone for our salvation: “For with the heart one believes and thus has righteousnessand with the mouth one confesses and thus has salvation” (Romans 10:10).

The psalmist recognized that his success happened because of God’s favor:

Lord, when you favored me, you made my royal mountain stand firm; but when you hid your face, I was dismayed. (Psalm 30:7)

Certainlyyou rewardthe godly, Lord. Like a shield you protect them in your good favor. (Psalm 5:12)

It was only because of God’s favor that the Hebrew people were able to take possession of the Promised Land: “For they did not gain possession of the land by their own sword, nor did their own arm save them; but it was Your right hand, Your arm, and the light of Your countenance, because You favored them” (Psalm 44:3)

In practicing the concepts of Kingdom of God , our prayer should be: “May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands” (Psalm 90:17)

Life and favor are sourced in God alone. He is looking for people he can favor: “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him” (2 Chronicles 16:9)

Today, ask yourself:

Am I allowing the Spirit of God to develop in me a blameless heart that is loyal to God and fully committed to him?


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