Echo into Eternity!


Echo into Eternity

“Enterthrough the narrow gate, because the gate is wide and the way is spacious that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. Hownarrow is the gate and difficult the way that leads to life, and there are few who find it!” (Matthew 7:13–14)

You and I have a decision to make. Do we want to choose the narrow gate and become a strategic kingdom investor, developing a life that will echo into eternity? Or will we choose the wide road that leads to destruction?

If we choose the narrow gate, we will need to abandon the way of the crowd, and the multiple voices of the world that compete for our attention every day. We will need to walk close to Jesus.

Jesus said that few in the world would choose the narrow way of salvation, but would prefer the broad way to destruction. When it comes to making strategic investments of time, talent, and treasure for the advancement of God’s kingdom, only a few choose the narrow way.

It requires discipline to join the few who are on a mission, investing themselves to help others find and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Can you imagine anything more important than assisting in changing the eternal destinies of people by showing them the way? Choose the narrow gate and let your life echo into eternity!

Today, ask yourself:

In what ways do my life choices reflect that I have chosen the narrow gate?


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