Son Power’s Impact on Your Time!


Son Power’s Impact on Your Time

“In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.” (Romans 12:6)

Every person has been given a gift or talent from God (see 1 Corinthians 12:4–11). Some people may even have multiple gifts. The use of talent resembles the use of time and treasure in that it can be spent achieving earthly goals like fame, prestige, pleasure, stuff, money, and power, or it can be invested in the kingdom of God.

God has created each one of us for specific purposes and consequently he has designed us so that we can accomplish them. If you are uncertain about the talent or talents God has entrusted to you, ask the Holy Spirit to show them to you through Scripture and fellow believers. Get involved in doing things for God’s kingdom by serving others in various ways. As you do, the talents God has entrusted to you will emerge and become obvious to those around you.

Your talent may surprise you. It may be something that is easily recognized, such as musical ability or organization or speaking. It might be something less visible, such as the ability to be encouraging or to show mercy or the ability to see and help those in need in basic, practical ways.

The abilities that you have been given are designed so that God’s work might be accomplished and his kingdom expanded. Each one of us has a choice: we can either use these abilities to accomplish whatever we choose, or we can allow the Holy Spirit to use these gifts. God-given gifts can accomplish a lot when they are used naturally, but when we allow the Holy Spirit to permeate those gifts with his power, supernatural results will occur.

God is waiting to use you. You may be busy, you may have responsibilities, you may have little time, but God can and will still allow you to use your talent for the expansion of talents and abilities in the wrong places. Why? Partly because a need has come before us and we’ve jumped in without really taking time to listen to the Spirit’s leading, and partly because we haven’t thought carefully about where God might best use our talent. Need does not equal involvement. There is need everywhere!

Seek the Holy Spirit’s direction as to where God wants you to be involved. At the same time, don’t be afraid to take on something that really does need to be done that you might not seem totally gifted for. God will provide whatever it is you need to get the job done. Ultimately, ask for the Holy Spirit’s direction and guidance.

The Holy Spirit can create opportunities where your abilities will have far greater results than anything you could imagine. He can also increase your talents for a supernatural effect.

The Holy Spirit can also protect you from the misuse of your God-given talent. He can show us when fleshly desires are motivating us to use our abilities in the pursuit of fame or fortune. He can also make us aware if our ego is manipulating us to use our giftedness to elevate ourselves while devaluing others. The Holy Spirit can help us overcome the fear of failure that holds us back from situations that might stretch our abilities.

The Holy Spirit works within us, infusing our talents with his power, and accomplishing supernatural results. Allow Son Power to enable you to use your gift in a supernatural way. Trust the Holy Spirit to provide opportunities for you to use your talent for God’s kingdom work.

In what ways are you embracing your God-given talents and abilities as a resource to be used for God’s plans and purposes?

Son Power infuses all of your God-given talent


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