Son Power and Your Treasure!


Son Power and Your Treasure

“Make the most of every opportunity.” (Colossians 4:5)

No matter how you define your personal “treasure,” it is important to remember that these things in and of themselves are not wrong. However, if they take the place of Godin your life, then you have a big problem. As our heart and mind become more in tune with the Holy Spirit, our desire to invest in God’s kingdom should increasingly trump the desire to keep investing in the perishable things of this world. All that we have been entrusted with needs to come under the direction of God. Son Power can transform us from the inside so that we will be able to discern the ways in which God wants us to use this treasure.

Treasure is an amazing tool. But it is a tool that can be used for temporary earthly pleasure or for the imperishable goals of God’s kingdom. I’m quite sure God is not so interested in how much money we have or don’t have, but rather how much we are willing to give away. It is not the amount that matters, but the attitude in which the giving is done. God is more concerned about our spiritual development of faith in him, than he is about the money or treasure that is given away. The heart holds the real value here.

Jesus with the little boy who was willing to let Jesus have his lunch of five loaves and two fishes is recorded in all four gospels (see Matthew 14:13–21; Mark 6:31–44; Luke 9:10–17; John 6:1–14). This is an important story. It was just lunch. It was just a little boy. It was just five loaves and two fishes. And yet, Jesus took what that little boy gave him and multiplied it into lunch for a multitude. Satan would have us keep our resources for ourselves. But this little boy shows us that in the hands of Jesus our treasure can bless a lot of people. God can multiple anything that we are willing to give him when it is to be used for his plans and purposes.

Possessions require responsibility and care. The more stuff you have, the more stuff you have to maintain. There are many ways to use treasure. It takes wisdom and discernment to know how and where and why we are investing our treasure in someone or something. Allow Son Power to enable you to use your treasure in a supernatural way as the Holy Spirit provides opportunities for your treasure to be invested in God’s plans and purposes.

Are you willing to ask the Holy Spirit to provide insight and discernment in how you can best invest your treasure? If you are, he willshow you how to use your treasure for God’s glory.

In what ways are you depending on the Holy Spirit to help you manage and invest your treasure?

Son Power helps you to discern the ways in which God wants you to use the treasure that he has entrusted to you.


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