I Am Your Reward!


I Am Your Reward
I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward. Genesis 15:1
One day the famous existentialist philosopher Albert Camus confessed to Pastor Howard Mumma that he was disillusioned with his own philosophical conclusions. Mumma listened, then began sharing with Camus the story of the Bible, starting with Adam and Eve. Suddenly Camus brightened up and said, “Howard, do you remember what Augustine said: ‘Thou has made us for Thyself and our hearts are restless till they find their rest in Thee’?” Mumma wondered whether Camus was on the road to becoming a believer in Christ.1

Recommended Reading:
Genesis 15:1-6

For once, Camus was right. God has made us for Himself, and our hearts are restless until we find Him. We’re made to be satisfied by knowing God and accepting His Son, Jesus Christ. Some people try to fill the emptiness in their hearts with other things, but Jesus wants to be the very substance of who you are and what you are. You simply have to say, “Yes.”

He Himself is your reward. Thank Him today for this: He so fills the emptiness in our hearts that we don’t need anything else.
Christianity is the measure of our whole being, and, as such, it is a process that consumes a lifetime.


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