Switch the Channel!


Remember the wonders he has performed, his miracles, and the rulings he has given.
1 Chronicles 16:12
Switch the Channel
Emotional wounds are a powerful force in our lives and hold the potential to hinder our growth. If you’re always reliving your hurts and watching your bad breaks on the movie screen of your mind—talking about them and telling your friends—that’s just reopening the wound. You may be in pain today, but don’t sit around nursing your wounds. Don’t let bitterness and discouragement set the tone for your life. As long as you’re replaying the negative, you will never fully heal.

You have to change the channel. When you look back over your life, can you remember one time where you know it was the hand of God promoting and protecting you? Make the decision to switch over to that channel. Get your mind going in a new direction. Start remembering your victories, your successes, and the hard times you overcame. Today can be a turning point in your life. Drop any emotional baggage you’re dragging and step toward an abundant life. Trust God and step into the great future He has for you.
A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You that You have the power to heal the emotional wounds in my life. Thank You that I can stop reliving the negative things that play and replay in my mind. I declare that I am dropping the baggage and stepping forward into the abundant life You have for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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