
Showing posts from June, 2024

Not Moved!

  Today's Scripture Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings!” Acts 5:29, NIV Not Moved There will be times when you have to decide, as the apostles did: “Am I going to stick with my convictions, am I going to be who God made me to be, or am I going to let the opinions and approval of other people determine what I do or who I become?” If you suffer from approval addiction, if you’re not confident in who you are and you need people to validate you, you’ll shrink back and let them control your future. But it’s going to take boldness to receive what God has for you. He’s going to take you where no one in your family has gone. He’s going to make you a pioneer, a trendsetter. Not everyone will understand why you won’t compromise with them. Not everyone will approve you if you don’t conform to their way of thinking. People who were once for you may become critics and try to discredit you. Now they’re finding fault. That’s when you have to dig your

Your Daily Commitment to Perseverance!

  Your Daily Commitment to Perseverance “In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient endurance, and patient endurance with godliness.”  (2 Peter 1:5–6) I know God has work to do in my heart, and so, I daily ask him to shed the light of his presence into the inner recesses of my heart to show me whatever needs to be changed. Then his Word can prosper and accomplish in my heart whatever is needed to be done to strengthen it for his purposes as the Spirit works within me. As his Word grows in my heart, I am set free. I begin to see the finger of God at work in me and in my circumstances. I learn to trust him, and by the power of the Holy Spirit I am able to put to death all of the sinful desires and works of the flesh that want control over my life. However, this can be a painful process, and somet


  God of hope, you are always there, reaching out in love to restore us and reconcile us to you. Teach me your ways so that I honor you for all time and remain faithful to you and obedient to your commands. In your holy name, I pray. Amen.

Your Daily Commitment to Setting Your Eyes on the Heavenly Prize!

  Your Daily Commitment to Setting Your Eyes on the Heavenly Prize “I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.”  (Philippians 3:13–14, NLT). It’s difficult to stay focused. Many things vie for our attention: family, friends, work, hobbies, sports. Many of these things are good, but they can actually get in the way of God’s plans and purposes for us.  As you consider your days, do they just “happen” or are you intentional in how you are going to use your time? Are you focusing on earthly goals or heavenly goals? And how do you balance it all? As we focus on God’s purposes, read his Word and apply it to our lives, and take time to discuss all of it with God, the Holy Spirit will empower us to keep our eyes on the heavenly prize. But it takes time. Time every day with God. And in the process, it is imperative that we choose


  Sovereign God, indeed nothing is too difficult for you, and I praise you for your mighty deeds. I stand on your word, trusting in your promises and in your steadfast love and care. Amen.

Your Daily Commitment to Exalting Christ!

  Your Daily Commitment to Exalting Christ This people I have formed for Myself; they shall declare My praise.”  (Isaiah 43:21) The apostle Paul was committed to exalting Jesus Christ in all things. In Colossians 1:15–20 we read: We look at this Son and see the God who cannot be seen. We look at this Son and see God’s original purpose in everything created. For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, rank after rank after rank of angels— everything  got started in him and finds its purpose in him. He was there before any of it came into existence and holds it all together right up to this moment. And when it comes to the church, he organizes and holds it together, like a head does a body. He was supreme in the beginning and—leading the resurrection parade—he is supreme in the end. From beginning to end he’s there, towering far above everything, everyone. So spacious is he, so roomy, that everything of God finds its proper place in him without crowding

By the Spirit!

  “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD of hosts.” Zechariah 4:6 By the Spirit You  weren’t created to struggle through life, to be restricted by negative thinking, by a bad temper, insecurity, or lack. Those are bondages the enemy uses to try to keep you from your destiny. The good news is that God is the chain breaker, the burden remover, the yoke destroyer. Jesus came to set you free from a spirit of worry, from always seeing the negative, from a hot temper, bitterness, holding grudges. Perhaps you’ve tried to forgive, but you couldn’t let it go. God is about to breathe in your direction. There’s going to be strength to do what you couldn’t do before. You’re going to be free from guilt, free from living in regret, free from not thinking you deserve to be blessed. You may feel you’re powerless to change it, but it’s going to happen by the Spirit of the Most High God. Ask Him to free you from every bondage and restric

Your Daily Commitment to Prayer!

  Your Daily Commitment to Prayer “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”  (Philippians 4:6–7) Talking to God about all of our life and believing he will answer our prayers is critical for the life of every Christian. As we talk with God about our life situations, the Holy Spirit empowers us with wisdom, guidance, and the strength to deal with each one. The Bible is clear that God will answer our prayers as we take time to soak in his Word. Jesus said, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened” (Matthew 7:7–8) And later in the New Testament we read, “This is the confidence we have in approachin

Hands Lifted Up!

  And as long as Moses held up the rod in his hands, Israel was winning; but whenever he rested his arms at his sides, the soldiers of Amalek were winning. Exodus 17:11 Hands Lifted Up Exodus 17 tells the story of Joshua and the people of Israel who were in the midst of a great battle. Moses was on a hill overlooking the battlefield, holding up a staff of God in the air, interceding for them. What Joshua didn’t realize in the midst of the battle was that the only reason he was winning was because Moses was holding up his hands with the help of two others. Without Moses doing his part, the Israelites would have been defeated. Your challenge is to live in such a way as to cause others to win. With every right decision you make, with every step of faith you take, you are holding up your hands. Every time you resist temptation, you are winning for your children. Every time you are kind and respectful, every time you help someone in need, every time you serve someone and give, every time yo

Your Daily Commitment to God’s Word!

   Your Daily Commitment to God’s Word “We never stop thanking God that when you received his message from us, you didn’t think of our words as mere human ideas. You accepted what we said as the very word of God — which, of course, it is. And this word continues to work in you who believe.”  (1 Thessalonians 2:13) Are you reading and studying God’s Word every day, letting its message soak into your mind and heart? As we consider the lives of the great Bible heroes, we see that they depended on the Word of God to guide and direct them. God told Joshua that if he wanted to be successful he would need to meditate on God’s Word (see Joshua 1:8). David valued God’s Word more than thousands of pieces of gold and silver (see Psalm 19:10). Job said he treasured God’s Word more than his daily food (see Job 23:12). Jeremiah said when he found God’s words, he ate them and they became his heart’s delight (see Jeremiah 15:16). Hebrews 4:12 tells us, “For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is

The Lifter of Your Head!

  You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. Psalm 3:3 The Lifter of Your Head Sometimes circumstances may convince us to keep our head down. But we cannot go through life looking down, thinking about our problems, dwelling on how bad it is, reliving every negative thing that’s happened, and expect to have God’s best. You may feel you have too many problems, but God is the glory and the lifter of your head. He is the source of your help. The enemy tries to weigh you down with heavy burdens and depression and convince you to stay focused on your difficulties. Before long that discouragement is like a heavy weight you are dragging around. But if you allow God to be the glory and the lifter of your head, and work with Him to shake off that discouragement, the only thing that will weigh on you is the favor of God. You’ll be heavy with joy, with blessings, with victory. When you can’t lift your head on your own strength or when circumstances have overwhelmed you,

Day by Day by Day!

   Day by Day by Day “The Lord your God is living among you.”  (Zephaniah 3:17) Our relationship with God is not passive or dormant; it is dynamic, full of purpose, active, creative, and productive. In order to accomplish all that God has willed for us, it is critical that we utilize the time we have on earth. We are here for such a short time, and Scripture actually instructs us to “number our days” (see Psalm 90:12) God has created us in Christ Jesus to do good works (see Ephesians 2:10) And we need to be busy doing them until he either comes for us or we physically die and go to live with him. It is our responsibility to be the hands and feet and voice of Jesus. God has taken each one of us, transformed us, and now has a plan for how we can make a difference in his world. I personally have experienced how God can take a totally self-absorbed, selfish, self-ambitious person (do you see the word  self  showing up in every adjective?) who lived a life consumed with pursuing earthly goa

Lift Up Your Head!

  Lift up your heads, you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is he, this King of glory? The LORD Almighty—he is the King of glory. Psalm 24:9-10 Lift Up Your Head  David said, “Lift up your head, and the King of glory will come in.” It’s easy to go through life always looking back, focusing on what didn’t work out, on who hurt you, and on the mistakes you’ve made. As long as you’re not looking up and you are discouraged, with no joy, no passion, and no zeal, the King of glory will not come. As long as you’re living in regret, you won’t move ahead to the bright future God has in store. You can’t change what’s happened to you in the past, but you can do something about right now. Whether it happened twenty minutes ago or twenty years ago, you need to let go of the negative baggage from the past. Instead, start looking up and saying, “Father, I’m excited about this day. I’m moving forward with my life.” When you’re really alive, hopeful, gratef

Supernatural Power!

    Supernatural Power “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever!”  (Ephesians 3:20–21) The late Dr. Bill Bright once wrote, “The more we walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to guide and control our lives, the more Christ’s character will shine in what we say and do.” That’s what I want for my life, for the Son to be shining in all that I say and do. It is by daily walking in the power of the Holy Spirit that we live our new lives in Christ. We’ve talked a lot in this book so far about what it means to experience Son Power in our lives, but now it is time to discuss what we should actually be  seeing  in our lives when the Son is working in us and through us. I frequently begin my day by asking our heavenly Father to direct my heart toward his grace and love. I want my heart to be prepared