Greater Works!
“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.” John 14:12 Greater Works Oluwafemi, when Jesus was on the Earth, He did so many amazing things, and He said we would also do these and even greater works. That requires a great faith. You may think you don’t have that much faith, but it’s in you. You just have to make the decision to believe—not in what you can do, but in what our God can do through you. On your own, you may be limited. You don’t have the qualifications, the resources, or the influence. That’s okay. You’re not on your own. You and God are a majority. When He breathes on your life, you’ll go places you’ve never dreamed. You’ll discover talent that you hadn’t known you had. Doors will open that you couldn’t open. The right people will show up. If you do your part and have great faith, God will do His part and show out in your life. Take the limits off...