Dealing with Difficult People!

Today's Scrip
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:21, NIV
Dealing with Difficult People
You’ll always have someone in your life who is difficult and gets on your nerves. It might be a jealous coworker, a rude neighbor, or a critical relative. How you handle difficult people will determine how high you go. If you treat them the way they treat you, you’ll get stuck. If they’re disrespectful, and you’re disrespectful back, that will keep you from going further.

The apostle Paul says that we overcome evil with good. You never overcome disrespect with more disrespect. You never get ahead by doing to others what they do to you. That’s a test of your character. God is seeing what He can trust you with. Will you stay on the high road, overlook the insult, and be kind in your response? You only have so much emotional energy each day for your dreams, to pursue your goals, to enjoy your family. It wastes a lot of energy to get upset, to live offended, to think about what they said, to try to straighten them out. Don’t spend it on things that don’t matter.
A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You that in every way possible Jesus overcame evil by doing good. Thank You that I can stay on the high road and overcome evil by doing good as well. Help me to stay respectful in all of my conversations and every situation and to walk away when necessary. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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