Relax Your Grip!


And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28
Relax Your Grip
None of us enjoys being uncomfortable, but we can’t pray away everything uncomfortable in our lives. God is not going to remove every difficulty from us instantly. He uses those things to refine us, to get us prepared for greater things. In the tough times, God develops our character. The fact is, we don’t grow nearly as much when everything is easy; we grow when life is difficult, when we are exercising our spiritual muscles, through the dark seasons.

Understand that your faith will not instantly deliver you out of every problem. Instead, your faith will carry you through the problem. If God removed some of the things that you’re praying for Him to remove right now, you wouldn’t be prepared for the promotion that He has in store for you. He’s using what you are currently going through to get you ready for the good things to come. If things are not happening as quickly as you would like, relax your grip and trust God. Know this: Nobody wants you to fulfill your destiny more than Almighty God. 
A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You for Your promise that You make all things work together for my good, even what doesn’t seem good at the time. Help me to remember that You always use the difficulties to prepare me for greater things. I believe that You will fulfill my destiny because You love me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen


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