Be Sure to Pray!


Be Sure to Pray!

Hezekiah received the letter from the messengers and read it. Then he went up to the temple of the Lord and spread it out before the Lord. And Hezekiah prayed to the Lord.” (Isaiah 37:14-15)

I heard someone say that it takes three things to accomplish the purposes of God in this world: prayer, leadership, and money.

Often, in our haste to do things or to “do” ministry, we forget to pray for God’s blessing and direction. This is a big mistake.

Hezekiah, after receiving a threat to his kingdom from the King of Assyria, took the letter defining the threat, went to the temple, spread it out before the Lord, and prayed about the problem. In response, God moved in a miraculous way and destroyed the enemy.

The power to change, the power to overcome obstacles, the power to overcome sin, and the power to defeat the evil one is sourced in Almighty God. We are told to boldly come to the throne of Grace to receive mercy, and to find help in the time of need.

Prayer is a key ingredient to spiritual success.As we practice Kingdom of God and learn how to strategically invest our time, talent, and resources, we discover the importance of prayer. As we recite and pray our verses to the King, our heart is stirred with a noble theme as the Spirit imparts his life, power, and revelation of God’s will to us.

Today, ask yourself:

Am I taking time to spread my requests before God? Am I listening for his instruction to me? Is my request for his glory?


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