Tune Out the Lies!


The LORD said to Samuel, “This is the one—anoint him!”
1 Samuel 16:12
Tune Out the Lies
When Samuel came to the house of Jesse to anoint one of his eight sons to be the next king, Jesse didn’t think David was king material. David’s brothers looked down on him and tried to make him feel less than them. But the moment Samuel saw David, he knew this was the next king.

God has already lined up people who will see your greatness, speak destiny into you, and use their influence to take you higher. But most of the time you will first encounter critics, naysayers, even family members who try to discourage you. If you’re going to see Samuel, you have to become deaf to all the negative voices that try to discourage you, to get you to give up on dreams, to live below your potential. Don’t fall into that trap. Start tuning out all the lies that diminish you and make you feel less-than, not valuable, not worthy. Tune in to what God says about you. He says you’re His masterpiece, crowned with favor, gifted, and talented. You have everything you need to fulfill your destiny.
A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You that people don’t determine my destiny, but You do. Thank You that You see my potential, my faithfulness, and my integrity. I believe that You have things in my future that are beyond what I’ve ever asked for or imagined. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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