Ripping-Off-the-Roof Faith!


When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”
Mark 2:5
Ripping-Off-the-Roof Faith
In Mark 2, four friends put a paralyzed man on a stretcher and carried him to a house where Jesus was teaching. In effect, they were saying, “We’re taking you to Jesus. You may not think you can ever walk again, but we are believing for you. You can borrow our faith.” When they got there, the house was so packed they couldn’t get in. Rather than give up, they carried the man to the roof, took off the covering, and lowered him to Jesus. It says that “when Jesus saw their faith,” He healed the man. It wasn’t the faith of the paralyzed man but his friends. They lifted him, carried him, believed for him, and refused to give up. They had ripping-off-the-roof faith.

God has put people in your life strategically so you can be a friend with faith. Don’t miss the opportunity, don’t be so busy with your needs and goals that you miss carrying someone to their healing, praying for the friend who’s hurting, lifting a coworker who’s discouraged. Let them borrow your faith.
A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You that You see my faith and that You honor my faith in You. Thank You for the power of faith to carry others to their healing, to their comforting, to their encouragement. Help me to have a ripping-off-the-roof faith to share with others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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