Connect the Dots!


Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”
John 13:7
Connect the Dots
On the night before Jesus was crucified, He told His disciples that His hour had come, and He was going to be betrayed and crucified. In today’s Scripture, He told them, in effect, “You’re going to walk through some difficult things in the days to come that you don’t understand. You will feel lonely, confused, and afraid. You won’t understand it, but you will later.” The resurrection would connect all the dots.

As with these disciples, there will be difficulties you don’t understand. A friend walks out of your relationship, the company downsizes and lets you go, or the sickness hits. But Jesus never said, “You’re going to understand everything. Let Me show you My exact plan for you. It all makes sense.” He does say He’s ordering all your steps. He promises that all things work together for your good. Stay in faith when it doesn’t make sense. You’re on the verge of seeing Him connect some dots. When it all comes together, you’re going to see how it works to your advantage.
A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You that what so often looks like trouble is really Your hand moving me toward Your plan. Thank You that I can rest assured that You are working behind the scenes and strategically orchestrating my steps. Help me to walk by faith and be patient while You connect the dots. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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