Be a Gap Stander!


So he said he would destroy them—had not Moses, his chosen one, stood in the breach before him to keep his wrath from destroying them.
Psalm 106:23
Be a Gap Stander
Today’s Scripture describes a time after God had delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, then miraculously parted the Red Sea and gave them food and water in the desert. Despite all He had done for them, they started worshipping a golden calf along with partying and being immoral. God was so angry that He would have destroyed them had not Moses fasted and prayed, asking God to have mercy on the Israelites. Because one man stood in the breach for them, God changed His mind and spared their lives.

Why don’t you do as Moses did and stand in the gap for family, friends, and coworkers who are off course and making poor choices. They know better, but they’re doing wrong anyway. It’s easy to stand in judgment against them and write them off. But you can be the one who makes a difference. Live your life as a gap stander. Be a people lifter. Make it your mission to take time every day to help pray people into their destiny.
A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You that I can stand in the gap for the people in my life who are making poor choices and doing wrong. Thank You that I can cover them in prayer and ask You to be merciful to them. I will make it my mission to pray for them every day and see them reach their destiny. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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