4 Rs: Plugged in to the Power Source!


4 Rs: Plugged in to the Power Source

“Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” (Ephesians 4:30)

To grieve the Holy Spirit is to live in direct disobedience to the known will of God. Why is this so important for us to avoid?


The Holy Spirit is the one who has sealed us for the day of redemption. However, we must remember that this sealing is just the beginning of a living and vital relationship with God through Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit has been poured into our heart to enlighten us about the will of God. The Holy Spirit gives us direction and a sense of mission. This is Son Power at work.


The Holy Spirit reveals to us the secrets of the kingdom of God which those who do not know Christ cannot know or understand. He is the one who empowers us to live what Christ taught when he was in the world. He is the one who intervenes for us in our prayer life. When we grieve the Holy Spirit, we cut off our power source for living for God.


We want to know and follow God’s instructions as found in his Word so that the abundant life promised to us becomes a reality. For this reason, we need to be faithful in reading God’s Word.


We need to regularly read the Word of God with the objective of having communion with the Holy Spirit. He is the one who releases Son Power in our heart and life. He is the one who prompts us to desire to glorify Christ.

Talk to God

Heavenly Father, I want to avoid grieving the Holy Spirit. I ask you to give me a deep desire and the ability each day to read and follow your Word. Amen.


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