I Am!


I Am

Jesus therefore, knowing all things that would come upon Him, went forward and said to them, “Whom are you seeking?”"

John 18:4

The soldiers who came to take Jesus away the night before His crucifixion on the cross did not sneak up on Him and surprise Him, nor did Jesus need to ask who they were looking for. He knew they were looking for Him, but the soldiers did not understand who He was. He had to provide the opportunity for them to find out who He really was. When He did, they fell to the ground as dead men (John 18:6).

The Greek phrase Jesus used to introduce Himself, translated “I am He” points to God’s declaration to Moses, “I Am That I Am” (Exodus 3:14).

“I AM” did not stop with Jesus’ declaration to the soldiers. The name means “ever present”. “I AM” is not hindered by time. As a Christian, “I AM” now resides in you.

"Jesus is always present."


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