The WOW Factor of God’s Word!


The WOW Factor of God’s Word

For thus says the Lord: … I will visit you and perform My good word toward you….” (Jeremiah 29:10)

If we could only grasp these truths, truly trusting in the promises that God performs for those who cultivate a close relationship with him, we surely would have a greater impact on our world!

God’s Word is living and powerful. It works in those who receive it and trust in it. Jesus promised he would not leave us as orphans. He also promised that He and the Father would make their home with us if we love him by obeying his commandments.

These verses and others indicate that he will visit us, and perform his good word toward us as we cultivate our relationship with him. These are great passages for our Spiritual M & Ms (Memorize & Meditate). We can soak our heart in them, sow them to the Spirit in our prayer life, and flow with the Spirit as he imparts his life to our mortal body.

I wonder what we would experience on this side of heaven if we thirsted and hungered for these truths?

Jesus said in the beatitudes that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness would be filled.

Today, ask yourself:

Do I view God’s Word as living and powerful, able to work in my life?

Ask God to make his Word operative in your life – beginning right now!


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