Be a Joseph!


When Joseph woke up, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded and took Mary as his wife.
(Matthew 1:24, NLT)
Be a Joseph
In the Scripture, when Joseph discovered that his fiancé, Mary, was pregnant and the baby was not his, being an honorable man and so as not to embarrass her, he was going to quietly call off the wedding. But an angel appeared to him and said, “Take Mary as your wife. What she told you is the truth. She is giving birth to the Messiah.” Joseph could have walked away and thought, That’s all fine, but I didn’t sign up to have my reputation tarnished and raise a child who’s not my own, but he did the right thing when it was hard. He was loyal.

When you’re a Joseph, you show mercy to those who don’t deserve it, you give second chances, you make allowances for mistakes. To be loyal doesn’t mean you condone or approve their actions. You’re simply showing them the mercy you would want shown to you. You’re being a healer, a restorer. You lift people up.
A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You for Your great love and mercy to me when I have failed You and made mistakes. Thank You for calling me to be someone who loves at all times and is faithful to the people You put in my life. I will be loyal and lift others up. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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