Treasure Up These Things!


“...But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart...”
(Luke 2:19)
Treasure Up These Things

Mary was engaged to the man of her dreams when the angel appeared and said she was going to have a baby, the Messiah, without knowing a man. We focus on how amazing that supernatural birth was and forget that she had to explain that to her fiancé, Joseph, who would in all likelihood call off the wedding. She had to accept the fact that for her whole life she would have to put up with shameful rumors and negative comments about who the father was. She could have easily been defensive, cynical, and bitter. But today’s Scripture says she took in all that God had said and “pondered it in her heart.” She thought about it over and over. What she kept close to her heart was what God promised her.

When worries come, people are spreading rumors about you, or a loss happens, keep what God has promised and said about you close to your heart. You will rise above the negative.

A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You that I can shut the door on the negative that comes against me and keep what You have promised and said about me close to my heart. Thank You that none of these things need move me. I believe that I will rise about the negatives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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