God's Timetable!
God's Timetable
“A male and female of each kind entered, just as God had commanded Noah. Then the Lord closed the door behind them.” (Genesis 7:16)
With all of the turmoil in the world, God is turning up the volume and asking, “Do you hear me now?”
God has a timetable. He has a plan, not only for the world, but also for each Christian in this world. God has a plan for YOU! We want to make sure we are living according to his plan, his values, and his timetable.
Noah was obedient to God. People must have laughed at him when he was building an ark in the middle of a desert-like environment. However, Noah had his instructions from God. He did not care about the world’s opinion. God’s opinion was what counted.
Noah was a spiritually motivated person. When he finished the project God gave him to do, what happened? Noah and his family entered the ark, and God shut the door!
For us to be faithful in practicing Kingdom of God, we need to be aware of the “loaf of time” factor. Time is a scarce commodity that diminishes with each passing day. We must use it wisely by investing in the things God has for us.
He counsels us to use the unrighteous mammon of this world to win friends for eternity. While the opportunity exists, the wise person will do so. We know what is going to happen! The night is far spent. The judge is at the door. The day will dawn soon! The time is coming when God will shut the door of opportunity.
Will we be ready to joyfully enter into his presence?
Today, ask yourself:
Am I in step with God’s timetable? Am I faithfully working on the projects God has given me to do?
Am I in step with God’s timetable? Am I faithfully working on the projects God has given me to do?