What Can God Do Through You?

..."The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!"
(Judges 6:12)
What Can God Do Through You?
Many people feel inadequate to do anything for God. But God doesn’t see you as inadequate. He sees you as complete, lacking nothing in Him! In the Scripture, Gideon was hiding out from his enemies. He was afraid and didn’t feel equipped to do what God called him to do. Gideon was focused on his circumstances and his limitations, but God was focused on what He could do through Gideon. Gideon felt weak; God saw him as strong. Gideon felt unqualified; God saw him as competent to do the job. Gideon felt insecure and full of fear; God saw him as fearless and full of boldness. Sure enough, when Gideon obeyed God, against all odds, he ended in victory!
You may feel that you’re average. You may think you’re ordinary, but God sees you as a champion. He believes in you and regards you as a strong, courageous, successful, overcoming person. You may not see yourself that way, but that doesn’t change God’s image of you. God still sees you exactly as His Word describes you. Dare to start seeing yourself as God sees you—as a victor!
A Prayer for Today
"Father, thank You for giving me a spirit of boldness. Thank You for giving me a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. I yield myself to You. I yield my heart, my mind and my whole being. Have Your way in me and lead me into Your victory in Jesus’ name. Amen."


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