The Fountain of Life!

The Fountain of Life

Memorize and Meditate

It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.” (John 6:63)

We need Jesus Christ’s Word for life, for they are the way the Spirit of God works inside of us. His Word is living and powerful, and it works inside those who receive it as the Word of God and trust it to work in them. In fact, when it is humbly planted in one’s heart, the Word of God is able to save the soul.

Soak your Heart
No wonder the Word tells us to desire the “milk” of the Word as newborn babes so we can grow up in our salvation. Without food a baby cannot grow. Without the Word of God we cannot grow in the knowledge and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. As we soak our heart in the Word of God, we grow from the increase that comes from God.

Sow to the Spirit
Let us acknowledge in our prayers that it is God’s Word that gives power for living the Christian life. Let us acknowledge that our flesh, in itself, profits nothing.
Pray: Father, unless I abide in Christ and his Word abides in me, I can do nothing. For apart from Christ I can do nothing! Your Word is living and it is Spirit. How desperately I need you!

Flow with the Spirit
If we are to effectively flow with the Spirit, we must abide in the Word of Christ. The Word is living. It energizes us spiritually as we soak, sow, and flow with it. Reflect on the truth and power of God’s Word. Depend on it. Believe that the Spirit is making it operative in your life.


Focus on the Spirit of Christ and his Word. Your sufficiency is from them, not from yourself. Everything good is sourced in them. Christ came into this world to save us from trusting in ourselves. Place your trust in him alone for salvation and for your daily walk with him.


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